Welcome to the new AMPedfor88! I have to explain something about why there are two blogs with the same name. As I you can see I wrote a short note over on your right to explain this. Unknown to me, my old internet provider decided to terminate my account without notifying me. So having said that, I cannot access the original AMPedfor88 blog. So I decided since I love working with Blogger so much, I would just create a new blog, with a few minor adjustments. As you can see, the background is a lot brighter and has more of a race theme to it. Be patient with me as I have to add in everything (links, pics, etc) that I had on the other blog. If you'd still like to read my past posts you can do so by going to
AMPedfor88. Again, this is the new blog, so new posts will be added here. Thanks for stopping by!!